Checking Email Statistics

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Checking Email Statistics

This tutorial will show you how to check email stats for sent and scheduled emails.

Email Settings XOLBY

  • Navigate to Settings > Email Services > Email Analytics
  • Choose the date range

Email Campaigns

  • Navigate to the Email section.
  • Choose “Email Campaigns”.
  • Click the Actions dropdown menu and select “Statistics”
  • In the popup window on the right hand side, you’ll be able to view all the Statistics for that email.
Click “Load more Statistics” to open a popup window that displays detailed information on specific contact records and their status as opened, clicked, failed, etc.

Email Campaign statistics will display

Bulk Actions

Navigate to Contacts > Bulk Actions and click on Show Stats

Click on the number below the percentage

Email stats for Bulk actions will display


Navigate to Automations > Workflows and click on the applicable workflow

Select the email action and click on the statistics tab and then click on View all statistics

All workflow email statistics will display

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