How To Import and Export Contacts

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How To Import and Export Contacts

Importing a comprehensive contact list is a cornerstone of effective database management. When done correctly, it ensures your contacts are organized with the best data, facilitating more efficient business operations.

IMPORTANT: If you’re not an Admin User, you won’t have the ability to import/export contacts. You can adjust your User Settings by visiting: Settings > My Staff > Team Management.

What You’ll Need:

  • A .csv file with the contacts you want to import

Step 1: Prepare Your .csv File

  • Row 1 of the file should have essential headers such as ‘first name’, ‘last name’, ‘email’, ‘phone’, ‘additional phones’, ‘tag’, and so forth.
  • When adding multiple phone numbers for a single contact, list them in the “additional phones” column. This feature allows you to manage multiple phone numbers seamlessly.

Step 2: Import Your Contacts

  1. Two options exist for adding contacts:
  • Manually create a contact by clicking the “+” sign in the top left corner.
  • Or, use the import icon (an upward-pointing arrow) to introduce contacts via your .csv file. Choosing “Import Contacts” lets you batch-import, which is both time-efficient and effective.
  1. If the Import/Export icons are not visible, ensure that a user profile has been created under Settings –> Team Management. Need help? Please Contact Support.
  1. Upon selecting ‘Import Contacts’:
  • Click “Upload a file” or use drag-and-drop.
  • Map fields to specify how the data will fit into XOLBY’s fields.
    • A green check indicates a ready-to-import field.
    • “Column Header From File” denotes which .csv column gets imported.
    • “Contact Fields” indicates the target field in XOLBY. Most general fields are automatically recognized. Manual mapping might be necessary for custom fields or unconventional headers.
    • The “Additional Phones” column can be mapped for importing multiple phone numbers. Separate them using commas, slashes, or semicolons alongside the primary “Phone” number column.
    • For multiple emails, separate them and map them to the “Additional Emails” field.
  1. Proceed to tab 3:
  • Assign an import name or let XOLBY default to a date-time format.
  • Opt to create a “Smart List” for these contacts, if desired.
  • Under the “Advanced” tab, you can:
    • Decide on a strategy for duplicates.
    • Add tags or decide the criteria for identifying duplicates.
    • Activate the “Add to Workflow/Campaign” option if needed.
    • Validate emails (charges might apply).
  • Finalize by clicking ‘Submit‘.

Step 3: Validate the Import

  • Refresh the Contacts page.
  • Navigate to Contacts > Bulk Actions to verify the import’s status and details.


  • Every contact record should have at least one phone number or email address for a successful import. Just listing names won’t work.

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