Within the Email Builder, you may be using the RSS Header or RSS Item elements to automatically update information across sites. They are useful for blogs and other sites if you want to pull information from a site into an email.
Follow these steps to edit the Headers and items using both “Basic” and “Custom” options.
The RSS Header Block dynamically populates <channel> tags from your feed. The header element supports these RSS channel tags:
RSS Tags | Custom Value |
<title> | {{rss_feed.title}} |
<description> | {{rss_feed.description}} |
<link> | {{rss_feed.url}} |
<lastBuildDate> | {{rss_feed.date}} |
Be sure to use the corresponding custom value for each, to populate the email with the correct tag value.
In the Header block’s editing options, you will see “Basic” and “Custom” options.
<h1 class=”h1″>{{rss_feed.title}}</h1> {{rss_feed.description}}<br /> <br /
Updates from {{rss_feed.url}} <h1>{{rss_feed.title}}</h1> <strong>{{rss_feed.description}}</strong><br /> <br /> <strong>In the {{rss_feed.date}} edition:</strong><br />
NOTE: The custom RSS <channel> variables can also be used in the subject field.
The Items block will accept these custom values, dynamically inserting the respective RSS Tags:
RSS Tags | Custom Values | Description |
<title/> | {{rss_item.title}} | The title of the RSS item is most commonly a blog post. title |
<description/> | {{rss_item.content}} | A summary of the RSS item in HTML format |
<link/> | {{rss_item.url}} | The text link to the RSS item online, which can be displayed as text or used in a hyperlink. content:encoded |
<content:encoded/> | {{rss_item.content_full} | The full content of the information inside the <content:encoded> tag for an RSS item, in HTML format. If no <content:encoded> tag, it will display the information in the <description> tag. |
pubDate | {{rss_item.date}} | The date the RSS item was published, formatted as `MMM DD, YYYY hh:mm A`. |
<dc:creator> | {{rss_item.author}} | The author of the RSS item media:content |
<media:content> | {{rss_item.imageUrl }} | The src URL of the image as text to render it as an image, use {{rss_img}} {{rss_img alt=”alt_text” src=rss_item.imageUrl height=”200″ width=”200″}} |
<item> | {{#rss_items rss_items}} | It’s used to open the customized formatting for individual RSS items (doesn’t display anything). |
</item> | {{/rss_items}} | It’s used to close the customized formatting for individual RSS items (doesn’t display anything.) |
In the Items block’s editing options, you will see “Basic” and “Custom” options, like the Header block’s options above, along with some additional options.
{{#rss_items rss_items}} <h2 class=”mc-toc-title”><a href=”{{rss_item.url}}” target=”_blank”> {{rss_item.title}} </a> </h2> {{rss_item.content}} <br /> <a href=”{{rss_item.url}}” target=”_blank”>Read on »</a><br /> <br /> {{/rss_items}}
{{#rss_items rss_items}}<h2 class=”mc-toc-title”><a href=”{{rss_item.url}}”target=”_blank”>{{rss_item.title}}</a></h2> <em>By {{rss_item.author}} on {{rss_item.date}}</em><br /> {{rss_item.content_full}}<br /> <a href=”{{rss_item.url}}” target=”_blank”>Read in browser »</a><br /> <br /> {{/rss_items}}<br /> <br /> <br /> <h3 class=”h3″>Recent Articles:</h3> {{#rss_items rss_items}}